Author: Moses

6 Comments on The presence of Male Gaze in music videos…
Posted in 4. ‘Media Discourse’ Or ‘The male gaze’ Blog

The presence of Male Gaze in music videos…

What is Male Gaze? Male Gaze is a feminist theory that claims that women are sexualized and…

3 Comments on Real-life examples of Ideas of Encoding and Decoding…
Posted in 3. ‘Manufacturing Consent’ Or ‘Ideas of encoding and decoding’ Blog

Real-life examples of Ideas of Encoding and Decoding…

What is Encoding and Decoding? Encoding is where a message is converted into a different code or…

4 Comments on Does Social Media force people to create a fake identity?
Posted in 2. ‘Medium theory’ Or ‘Construction of Identity in a digital world’

Does Social Media force people to create a fake identity?

In a world where the internet, and more specifically social media gaining an evergrowing presence in people’s…

PewDiePie vs T-Series: The People vs Commercialism
1 Comment on How has the over-commercialisation of the Culture Industry affected Social Media?
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’ Blog

How has the over-commercialisation of the Culture Industry affected Social Media?

Even though the ideology of Adorno and Horkheimer on the culture industry was coined in the book…

0 Comment on About Me…
Posted in Blog Hello World

About Me…

About Me Hi, my name is Moses Combe and I’m a 19-year-old student at the University of…