About Me:

Hello! My name is Millie, I’m a 19-year-old student from the UK.

I haven’t had many adventures, but I enjoy the little things I do with friends and family. Spending time with them is important as it brings me to my happy place and we always have a great time. My friends and I go bowling a huge amount and are always going for food, we’re all so bad at bowling (I lose every time) but we make such special memories.

In my spare time, I love to watch movies and play video games. The movies I watch are then logged onto my account on Letterboxd which is where I rate the movies and leave a comment about the movie; I find this so fun as you feel part of a community. Speaking of movies, I love movie posters! Collecting movie posters is a little hard tho as I’m running low on room for these posters. However, two posters I’m planning to get are the Corpse Bride poster and the Coraline poster. Playing video games helps me relax and is a great way to talk to my friends. The game I’m enjoying at the moment is Valorant due to it finally being put on consoles, but I also enjoy relaxing games such as The Sims 4 with so many packs to enjoy.

At home, my pet cat is always with me in my bedroom. She is very special to me and I’m pretty sure she gets tired of all the photos I take of her, but she is incredibly friendly and has so much love. Along with her, I live with my parents and one of my brothers. My family is big and loud which is, most of the time, the complete opposite to me as I see myself as quiet and more reserved, but I would love to make more friends to have memories with.

I chose Digital Media as a degree due to having a huge passion for it since being introduced to the world of media fully in GCSEs and have carried on this passion through A-Levels to now which will hopefully allow me to achieve a job I enjoy. In sixth form, I had the opportunity to run the school’s Instagram which was so fun as I was able to capture in-the-moment things such as sports day and create captions for this so the parents knew what was going on around the school. I had such a great experience doing this and allowed me to come up with ideas such as the leadership team (which I was part of) to post their favourite book or current read to encourage the rest of the school to read and get involved. Media to me is very in-depth which is what makes it so interesting as I’m able to look into the thought process behind a product and the possible reactions this could cause which makes me think about the possible media products I could create with all the theory in mind.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know me, I would love to make more friends and memories during my time here!

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