Blog 3: Understanding Manufacturing Consent and Propaganda Model.

What does manufacturing consent mean?

In simple way it demonstrates how the upper class manipulates and skews the news in order to persuade the masses to believe whatever suits them best.The five filters are as follows:

(1) ownership; (2) advertising; (3) official sources; (4) criticism; and (5) marginalisation of dissent.

The Applicability of Herman’s and Chomsky’s Propaganda Model Today:

  • Walter Lippmann asserted in 1920 that propaganda was already “a regular organ of popular government.” He referred to media propaganda as the “manufacturing of consent.” Ben Bagdikian, who wrote the book “Media Monopoly,” published for the first time in 1983, cautioned that “It is the overwhelming collective power of these firms, with their corporate interlocks and unified cultural and political values that raise troubling questions about the individual’s role in the American democracy.”
  • Today, various forms of modern media can be used to deliver propaganda to its intended audience, including radio, television, films, posters, handouts, music, and smartphones, to name a few.In order to sway the audience towards or against a particular belief, modern propaganda still employs classic tactics such as name-calling and bandwagoning.

NAME CALLING or STEREOTYPING: Labelling a person or an idea negatively by using an easy-to-remember derogatory name.
VIRTUE WORDS or GLITTERING GENERALITY: These words are used to deceive us into recognising and agreeing with things without carefully scrutinising the evidence.

  • Propaganda campaigns can take place only if they are in the interests of those who control and manage the filters. For example, managers all agreed that the Polish government’s crackdown on the Solidarity union in 1980-81 was extremely newsworthy and deserved harsh condemnation, whereas the same interests did not consider Turkey’s equally brutal crackdown on trade unions around the same time to be newsworthy or reprehensible. In the latter case, the US government and business community admired the military government’s anticommunist stance and open-door economic policy; and the crackdown on Turkish unions had the advantage of weakening the left and keeping wages low.In the case of Poland, propaganda points could be scored against a Soviet-backed government, and concern for workers whose wages were not paid by Free World employers could be expressed!
  • Richard Alan Nelson defined propaganda as “a form of persuasion with intention through the controlled transmission of single-sided information through mass media” to explain the close relationship between media and propaganda. Propaganda and mass media are inextricably linked.

    • There is also a distinction between the propaganda model’s political implications and mainstream scholarship. If structural factors shape the broad contours of media performance, and that performance is incompatible with a truly democratic political culture, then genuine democracy requires fundamental changes in media ownership, organisation, and purpose. Such a viewpoint is politically unacceptable in mainstream analyses, and its supporting arguments and evidence are rarely debated.


    2. summary of the book ‘Media Monopoly o
    3. Solidarity union in 1980-81-

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