Construction of Identity in a digital world and real world


In life, you will find that you, as well as your friends and classmates, can transform into a completely new person in different situations. In life, you will find that you, as well as your friends and classmates, can transform into a completely new person in different situations.


I once posted a photo on Instagram, hinting at my high efficiency in the morning. I woke up, washed, dressed, cooked, and even took a photo. I once posted a photo on Instagram, hinting at my high efficiency in the morning. I woke up, washed, dressed, cooked, and took photos. However, this is different. I got up late because I only had to work the night shift that day. I did not wash or cook, and I did not even change into overalls. The food in the photo was leftover from the night before it was heated. I have not yet walked half the house; I just got out of bed and changed into another shirt, and my efficiency in the morning is very low. However, this photo can showcase my efficient morning life because I have cut off all the parts that showcase my sloppiness. I have cut off my lower body and added a filter of bright food to the leftovers. We often compare our chaotic lives with a small portion of the beauty others display on social media and showcase the best aspects. Everyone wants people to think they are happy, everything is going smoothly, and life has always been beautiful (Bulone, 2017).

Food Photos vs. Reality • Green Evi


We are in the internet era, where information is rapidly developing. More and more people hope to make money through self-media. However, in the era of self-media, personas are widely regarded as the key to attracting traffic—for example, story-based character design. People like to resonate emotionally with people with stories, which has earned them a loyal fan base. Sharing one’s experiences, setbacks, and growth creates an image close to fans. Connect your life story closely to your content so readers or audiences can feel your authenticity and uniqueness.

ThThis deeply rooted connection helps establish a loyal fan base and attracts brand collaboration opportunities. However, this is just how you look in the self-media network. In reality, you can quickly return to your persona because most online users cannot work with you and will not care about your appearance. As long as you ensure there are no scandals and your bad behavior is not exposed. When occasionally attending brand events and appearing in front of the public, you need to disguise yourself online again.


Social media roles are fictional representatives based on data you collect from the target audience’s social media accounts. A brand can have 3 to 7 different roles, each giving you a deeper understanding of your sales target audience. All the above factors will become a part of your social media role. Each social media marketing role represents a potential customer who interacts with your content and purchases from you after seeing your content on social media (AI, 2018).


On social media, you can create an image that you most want to present to the public. You can shoot a video or photo hundreds or thousands of times until you choose your favorite version. But it is essential to know that when you view people’s lives online, you are viewing an edited version. You can’t see what they are going through. Therefore, avoiding comparing your life with what you see on social media is essential. Your journey is not more important than someone else’s because you have something or nothing – your journey is entirely different.


AI, D. (2018). How to create social media personas. [online] Available at:

Bulone, K. (2017). The Difference Between Your Life On Social Media And Your Reality. [online] Thought Catalog. Available at:

2 thoughts on “Construction of Identity in a digital world and real world

  1. Your article describes how internet identities can be strikingly different from real ones, and I agree with one example you gave: a celebrity and his fans. This reminds me of the recent collapse of the persona of Yu Wenliang, an internet celebrity on China’s tiktok, who had achieved a large number of followers on tiktok for his free and authentic persona, and whose life brief and goals were appreciated by users on the internet who followed his example for their own life endeavours. But in his first live stream recently, he went as far as to tell his fans that he made these personas to make money from his fans. This move showed the whole internet the other side of him that is not known. I mean, in the digital age, ‘you’ can be a completely different ‘you’.

  2. I have the same idea, such as Posting pictures that seem perfect, but are actually the complete opposite, or may not be the same as the photos. Such a starting point is good, everyone may yearn for self-discipline and regular life, although sometimes may not be able to do. But whether it is good or bad, I think it is part of our life, and maybe what we need to do is to look at ourselves, rather than constantly build a seemingly beautiful identity to confuse ourselves. Anyway, this is a great blog.

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