A bit about me

Hi, there! My name is Agostina (Ah-ghos-tee-nah), but you can call me Agos :))

My background

I am a 20-year-old international student from Argentina, the home country of tango, excellent food and wine, and the GOATs (Messi, Maradona, and Fangio). I am from Buenos Aires city, a beautiful and vibrant melting pot that has received many immigrants since the 19th Century, including my Italian, Greek, and French-Basque ancestors.

My family and I used to live in Colombia when I was younger. I am also very fortunate to have traveled the world with my parents from a young age. Because of these experiences, I have grown up with an international perspective on life, where cultural immersion, multilingualism, and transcontinental friendships have shaped my identity as a global citizen. All of this fueled my dream of studying abroad. 

Thus, here I am, living in London since April 2022, experiencing everything this striking capital has to offer and making friends from all around the globe while studying a course I am very passionate about. 

My interests

I love to obsess over films, music, and Formula 1 (forza Ferrari!). I enjoy reading as well, but I usually only read non-academic books during holiday breaks. Some of my hobbies outside of media consumption – I had to think very hard to list them – include amateur piano playing, acrylic/gouache painting, and hip hop/contemporary dancing. 

I’m currently occupying my time as Head of Social Media for Westminster’s Smoke Radio, working part-time as a waitress, and taking Italian language lessons to honor my roots (and to not feel like a fraud next to my Italian friends when I tell someone I am, in fact, an Italian citizen). 

My studies

As a devoted media consumer and self-proclaimed pop culture connoisseur, studying Digital Media, PR, and Advertising has always been an obvious career path for me because it offers unwarranted opportunities to dissect pop culture and online trends, to geek out about the Barbie movie marketing campaign, and to discuss the social commentary in Lana del Rey’s music. 

But most importantly, this degree challenges me to analyze the media I consume through a critical lens; to not take everything for face value, but rather check the reliability of and question the intent behind every article I read, every post I see, every video I watch, every podcast I listen to. 

My goal is to combine my awareness of online trends and popular culture with the knowledge and skills acquired in my university course to become a successful public relations professional. 

I’m looking forward to learning more about media and communication theories and having enriching discussions about current media affairs with you all! 

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