The construction of identity in a digital world is the way that people shape and present their concepts of self on the internet. The digital world allows a certain flexibility in how one can present themself, that simply does not exist in the physical world. Online, to a greater extent than in the real world, one may choose which aspects of their identity they wish to exhibit. For example, someone may highlight the more formal or professional elements of their personality on a business webpage like Linkedin, whereas they may highlight the social elements of their personality on places like Instagram. This is called selective self-presentation (“Digital Identity Construction”). In the digital world, you have a choice to show or hide whatever pieces of your personality you like or dislike, giving you the ability to construct a unique identity online. For instance, if you are a banker who loves to dance, you can omit the professional banking side of your personality and show off your online persona as solely a free-spirited dancer.
The Metaverse, a virtual reality environment created by Mark Zuckerburg, showcases the possibilities for identity construction that become possible in the digital world. In reality, you can certainly shape your appearance to reflect your personality. However, in the Metaverse, you have much more freedom and ways that you can do so. In this digital world, you may fully customize your avatar and username, which allows you to create your self-image beyond the restrictions of reality (“Identity in the Metaverse”). Your real-world appearance, age, gender, or class truly mean nothing in the digital world, as you can present yourself as whoever you want to be. One could even present themselves as an animal or mythical creature, as there are no realistic limitations on your self-presentation in the Metaverse. Attached to this freedom is a unique sense of flexibility that does not exist in the real world. If you would like to change your appearance in the real world, certainly, you could dye your hair or change your eye color using colored contact lenses. However, in digital worlds like the Metaverse, you can change nearly every aspect of your avatar’s image in an instant.
Pseudonymity plays an important role in the construction of an identity in the Metaverse. Pseudonymity is essentially the use of false names to hide one’s true name. This is not exclusive to the digital world, as people like Mark Twain and Marilyn Monroe used pseudonyms long before the invention of the internet (“Anonymity and Pseudonymity”). However, in the digital world, pseudonymity presents new, powerful opportunities for the construction of self-identity. In the Metaverse, one’s pseudonym allows them to leave behind who they are in the real world. Under a pseudonym, even the world’s most recognizable celebrities could embrace being completely unknown (“Anonymity and Pseudonymity”). Although this has the potential to be overwhelmingly positive to many, especially those who may struggle with their sexual or gender identities, it does have the potential to be used negatively as well. For example, under pseudonyms, there is a sense of anonymity that may allow people in the Metaverse to feel confidently secure in bullying others or spreading hate without consequences to face in the real world.
The freedom of the Metaverse that exceeds the limitations of reality presents a fascinating platform to construct one’s self-identity. Although there is a potential of issues in the Metaverse such as cyberbullying in digital worlds due to pseudonymity, these issues do not erase the incredibly positive potential for people to express themselves freely as who they wish to be, beyond the confines of reality. The ability to create one’s self-identity in a way that is not limited by real-life factors is a beautiful aspect of the Metaverse and has the potential to completely change how identity is viewed in years to come.
“Digital Identity Construction.” Fiveable,
“Identity in the Metaverse.”,
“Anonymity and Pseudonymity.”,