A New Chapter: Maria Khalid

Hello! Maria Khalid here, a 39-year-old single mother of two green-eyed monsters, a 13-year-old daughter, Daneen, who I affectionately refer to as my “Inner Gangster,” and a soon-to-be 16-year-old son, Rayed, who embodies a calmer, more measured version of myself.

Some might wonder, “Why is a 39-year-old returning to university at this stage in life? I attended university when I was about the same age as many of you reading this. And just to be clear, I’m not calling myself old! Age is just a number, and education knows no limits.

We are all constantly learning, whether it is from reading a book, watching a documentary, or even listening to a podcast on a morning commute. It is not just the formal institutions that shape us, but life itself. We acquire knowledge in so many ways every day. I believe in continuous learning, which is a big part of why I returned to higher education.

Professionally, I work part-time as a social media manager, managing the online presence of my little sister’s business. Social media has become such a powerful tool in today’s World, connecting people and businesses in ways we could not have imagined a decade ago. However, I have yet to have formal training in this field. I started by helping my sister and just picked things up along the way. What you can learn on the go is fantastic, but it was time to take things further.

A year ago, I decided to enrol in the BA Digital Media course at the University of Westminster. I wanted to build on my practical knowledge and understand the theory behind digital marketing, media strategies, and content creation. This course has opened my eyes to so many new perspectives and techniques. It has given me the tools to think more critically about using digital platforms, not just for business but also as a way of storytelling and community building.

I look forward to applying everything I learn in the coming years, not just in my current role but beyond. The digital World is evolving fast, and we want to stay ahead. Returning to the academic environment has been refreshing; it reminds me that education is not confined to our early years. We can pick up where we left off whenever we choose, and there is always time to start again.

Balancing university life with motherhood has its challenges. However, it sets an excellent example for my kids as it’s always possible to invest in yourself, learn something new, or pursue your dreams, no matter the obstacles. I want them to see that you can always keep pushing forward, no matter where you are.

So here I am, a mother, a student, and a lifelong learner, ready to embrace this next chapter. So here’s to making the most of every opportunity and growing one digital media project at a time!

Maria Khalid.

1 thought on “A New Chapter: Maria Khalid

  1. Hi Maria,

    I’m so moving about your lifelong study opinion and your courage to study and to accept new idea again.I firmly believe you will finally achieve your destination and get what you want successfully.


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