Introduction: Tony Lin

Hello, my name is Tony. I am a 19 year old student in the UK that came from Bristol with my family having a Chinese background. I decided to move to London because I don’t like being at home constantly. I have made new friends in London from university and societies such as badminton.

My friends from Bristol would also come visit me during their free time and we would go do activities in central London such as going to an arcade and trying new food.

Ice Skating in Bristol
Winning a lot from an arcade
random shots

I am also quite invested into a variety of games such as CS2, Rainbow 6 Siege, League of Legends and Valorant. I enjoy games casually though I wish I could have told my younger self to not put thousands of hours in them as I could have done something more productive.

Other hobbies other than gaming is just to read Light novels, watch Anime + K-Dramas, and listen to a variety of music from genres ranging from Rap, K-Pop and more.

I chose to do digital media because I enjoy creating all kinds of content with software’s such a Photoshop, and Premiere Pro, leading me to choose the production pathway. I enjoy the use of technology and would like to expand my knowledge more on media.

1 thought on “Introduction: Tony Lin

  1. Hi Tony!

    It’s great to hear about your move to London and how you’re settling in. Exploring the city with friends sounds like a blast!

    Your mix of hobbies, from gaming to reading light novels and watching anime, sounds fun!. Choosing digital media is an exciting path, best of luck with your creative pursuits using Photoshop and Premiere Pro.

    Enjoy your time in London!

    Maria Khalid

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