Manufacturing Consent


Manufacturing consent “is the establishment of a system that makes citizens willing and obedient, agrees and does not question, and adheres to certain principles and paradigms, all of which are achieved through mass media and commercialist corporate sponsorship promotion, rather than through strong man strategies to achieve compliance (Chomsky and Herman, 1988).


A clear and rational leader will inevitably conflict with an irrational and short-sighted public. Although the public is always wrong at critical moments and they are powerful, politicians have to comfort, bribe, seduce, and manipulate their voters. Therefore, in a democratic society, the rule of the elite over the masses must be achieved through creating identity. In the vast majority of cases, the important logical idea of convincing people with reason is ignored while manufacturing consensus. The term ‘manufactory’ here expresses more passivity, which is something that ordinary citizens or people from the lower middle class need to passively accept, even if they are not satisfied.

Marketing Strategy

Today, the social development of the vast majority of countries we are in has reached a stable state. The unfair treatment from the upper class towards the lower class has also decreased. So this kind of consensus has been transformed into a strategy in the internet and digital media.

MAG Motor Auction Group on X: "THE WAIT IS OVER 🏍🏍🏍🏍 Our Motorbike Sale  is live and online today from 2pm View the catalogue online now 👉 Can't make the sale?

MAG is a well-known online and offline motorcycle sales company in the UK. As a motorcycle enthusiast, I often watch its live broadcasts. In the live broadcast room, I often hear the host say things like “All the big boys who love motorcycles!” and “This is a challenge and attempt from the big boys. It can be seen that he is creating an identity, a self immersive identity for motorcycle enthusiasts watching live broadcasts. These are a few contexts in which he uses the phrase ‘all big boys’. This repeated shouting of’ all big boys’ is to evoke the viewer’s’ identity ‘, thereby grabbing your attention and making you nervous. And there is an impulse to buy his motorcycle.


Chomsky, N. and Herman, E. (1988). A Propaganda Model, by Noam Chomsky (Excerpted from Manufacturing Consent). [online] Available at:

1 thought on “Manufacturing Consent

  1. A very good article, you started with a specific definition of manufacturing consent and then also wrote about the inequality of it, which gave me a more detailed understanding of the TOPIC. I also liked your example of the motorbike racer, he is very relatable and will make people understand your essay better.

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