
There are thousands of me in the world.

——Sang Kai

Hi guys, my name is Xuchen Chang, you can also call me Bette. I come from a southern city in China.There are many beautiful landscapes in my hometown. From time to time, I go for a walk after dinner to relax and empty myself. This is kind of a recreational activity for me.

About me



If you have heard of infp as a personality attribute, then you must know about mbti as a personality test. It is a personality test that consists of many questions and is a personality classification that I believe is scientifically based. To be honest, I don’t really believe in horoscopes and stuff like that.

DOB: 19 June 

Because it’s around the summer solstice, so I love everything about the height of summer.

These are some of my moments from this summer 🍃. Summer has everything that makes me happy.

The relaxing holidays, the watermelon in the fridge, the breeze on summer nights.

All these wonderful things came together and now I can only remember them in a few short moments.

I love music. I studied music for three years in high school. I’m interested in all instruments, and have been learning the violin since I was five years old, but to be honest, I’m not really interested hahaha …… , and lately I’ve been planning to learn bass and drums.

Expect me to have some awesome execution. I’d like to share my recent song list with you guys. I like to put together a lot of different kinds of song lists, it allows me to be in different situations where I can quickly hear a song that fits the mood of the moment.

As for why I’m here. Good question. I can’t actually explain it. If I had to state a reason, I think maybe it’s because even though I majored in music in high school, and I loved it. But I didn’t want to make my hobby my lifelong career, so I started rethinking my future career plans. I started to rethink my future career plans, and then I discovered that I wanted to do more in-depth research on social media and human-computer interaction. So I came to Westminster. (A very official answer)

That’s my cat. His name is Malfoy and he’s two years old. He is the cutest, most adorable kitten in the whole world!!!!🐈 I’m pretty sure of that.

However, because I came to London to go to university, he didn’t come along. As a result he seems to be a bit anxious now and will get into trouble every day. It’s like he’s trying to get my attention by making mistakes and trying to get me to show up. I’ve been having a hard time lately because I really miss him so much.

This is my favourite place in China.

West Lake, is a magical place, different seasons, different time of the day, even different weather makes it different.

And I, for one, will take a walk by the West Lake when I am sad, when I am happy, or when I am tired. There are a lot of boats around the lake, and I sometimes sit on the boat to empty myself and get peace inside.

I’ve often wondered if I’d write a novel for myself. And the book began and ended with the same sentence, what would that sentence be?

2 thoughts on “Me

  1. I also love music, I think learning an instrument is difficult for me, but people who can play instruments are very cool!Malfoy is so cute by the way.🥰🥰

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