Con;Intro [or, “Hello World”]

Ugly picture I took at a concert. Ignore the guy on the left.

My name is Connor Brighton

Brighton like the city and Connor spelt with two “N”‘s. You’d be surprised how many people ask me how many “N”‘s are in Connor. Maybe one day I’ll change it to a singular “N” just to mess with people.

You can shorten it to just Con if you want.

This is my Digital Media Theory Blog.

I’m not good at social interaction or talking to people but as long as you’re cool I’m cool. I don’t really take myself seriously anyway.

Also I’m not good at introductions.

Currently I live on campus but I’m from Sheffield up North. A lot of people think my accent is funny. Living in London has started to fuse my weird Yorkshire accent and my partners weird Cockney accent together, which is weird.

I’m a trans guy which is cool but awkward in the current political climate. I’m pretty sure I’m the only trans guy on this course but most of the people I actually know on campus are also trans.

I like old music and mediocre TV along with collecting physical media of the stuff I like. I also like writing. I would like to be a writer, maybe. Also I don’t like back pain.

I don’t have much else to say, thanks for reading.

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